√ Ekspo Guide And The National Students Art Competition (Fls2n) 2019

A. Background
Art is one of the strategic group of subjects and is one vehicle for students to express themselves, so bring the work to be proud by the Indonesian nation. With the art will be able to facilitate the development of the character, so that community members have the awareness of national and state harmonious and democratic with regard to joints Character education is a must, because education is not only to make students become intelligent also have manners and courtesy , so that its existence as a member of society becomes meaningful for themselves and society in general.

It is stipulated in the Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003 Article 37 paragraph (1) which states that the curriculum of primary and secondary education shall contain: religious education; civic education; language; mathematics; natural Sciences; social Sciences; Art and culture; physical education and sport; skills / vocational; and local content.

In Article 6, paragraph (1) PP 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards stated that the curriculum for the type of general education, vocational, and special education elementary and secondary consists of: (1) a group of religious subjects and noble character, (2) groups of subjects nationality and personality, (3) a group of subjects in science and technology, (4) groups of subjects aesthetics, and (5) those physical subjects, sports, and health.

In an effort to provide a space for creativity and potential students, the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with the Government of South Sumatra province, education practitioners, and the professional community, organizes the Festival and Art Competition National Students (FLS2N) 2019, namely an activity that embodies various artistic and literary activities and be able to raise the potential of the students to be able to provide achievement and pride for education in particular, and the Indonesian people in general.

With the implementation of FLS2N 2019, is expected to create beings intelligent and dedicated as a cadre of the successor and the leader of the nation in the future, which is based on love and pride to the Nation with Pancasila, the Constitution NKRI 1945, Unity in Diversity, and the Republic of Indonesia as pillars.

B. Implementation Objectives
1. Maintaining and improving students' creativity in the arts and literature.
2. Instill and foster appreciation of art and literature, in particular to the values ​​which are rooted in the cultural traditions of the nation.
3. Establish a national character.
4. Develop a competitive attitude in students that global perspective.
5. As a means of promotion of students to the world the potential of the tourism industry.
6. Provide a vehicle for the competence of best sons and daughters of Indonesia to develop interests and talents possessed, especially in the arts.
7. Sharpen the sensitivity of students to appreciate the art and the work of others.

C. Expected Results
1. The creation of a healthy competitive atmosphere among students, between schools, and between provinces in the arts.
2. The realization of the development of student talent to promote creativity in the arts and literary optimally.
3. The realization of a love of traditional values ​​rooted in the national culture.
4. The realization of tolerance, sportsmanship and competitive spirit of students.
5. The realization of national unity which is getting stronger.

D. Place of Execution
FLS2N 2019 held in Palembang, South Sumatra, by:
1. Letter of the Director General of Primary number: 1983 / C / KP / 2019 dated 30 April 2019 on the ajuan to host FLS2N 2019.
2. Letter of the Governor of South Sumatra number: 420/1488 / Disdik.SS / 2019 dated May 21, 2019 about the willingness of the Host FLS2N 2019.

E. Themes
FLS2N theme 2019: "The Art Creation Radiating Achievement and Forming Noble Character"

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